August 15, 2012


Welcome to first grade! This will be a very important year for your first grader. Your son or daughter will learn many new concepts and have many exciting experiences that will affect his or her life.

As parents, you will play a key role in your child’s learning process. You can help provide loving encouragement and support that adds to your child’s confidence and academic performance.

Your child’s readiness is very important for a positive start in the first grade. I have included a list of items your child should know upon entering first grade, that will help to give him/her a successful start. Please review these items with your child:

1.     Names of the upper and lower case alphabet, out of order
2.   Beginning consonant sounds
3.   Names of numbers 1 to 20, out of order
4.   Counting to 100 by 1’s, 5’s, and 10’s
5.   Correctly write his/her first and last name starting with upper case letters and not all capitals

As your child’s teacher, I believe that a positive partnership between home and school plays a vital role in your child’s performance. I will do my best to provide a positive and educational experience for your child. I encourage you as a parent to give extra help and support to your child; children learn so much through your example! Please feel free to contact me (801-826-7825) with any questions or concerns you may have as we work together toward a common goal: a positive and rewarding first grade experience.